God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son,
Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:9

We at NCF believe in building a church that is active and growing to fulfill God's purpose. We strive to GATHER, as a family to learn, teach, grow and celebrate, SERVE, in light and in truth, and DISCIPLE, to share the Word and make the Word known.
​We know in our hearts that God’s hand is upon all of us, and that He is going to use NCF mightily for pointing people to Jesus.
So be encouraged by Him, not by what is going on around us. Stay firm in His hands, stay true to His Word, and stay focused on Him and Him alone.
Mission Statement
NCF is dedicated to the building of relationships. First with the Triune God, second with our fellow believers and third with our surrounding community. We strive to "do life" with one another, and as iron sharpens iron, to develop a deeper understanding of the Holy Scriptures and live out the Truth of God's word in our daily lives. We are committed to the purpose of making disciples, who make disciples, all to the glory of God and the furtherance of His Gospel and Heavenly Kingdom.